Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Creator & Creation - Part Two

The Gift of Growth

Lately I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Creation and thus the reason for having chosen this topic in forum. I obsessive over Creation because it makes both my mind and my imagination run wild. What a breathtaking event! The creation of the cosmos! I can’t even begin to imagine the perfection and beauty that surrounded and engulfed this magnificent occasion. Therefore it hurts to look upon His Creation and see the contrast between what I’ve read and imagined, and what I actually see before me, and that is, the reality of what His Creation has become. But even in this chaotic existence the Creator is giving His Creation a great gift and that is the ability to grow/learn. It is through this gift that the Creator is able to teach, and in so doing, bring His Creation back into the knowledge/understanding that they possessed before the fall, in other words, to know the Creator as He intended. The reason for this is that in the fall the Creator didn’t change but the Creation perception of their Creator did and now the Creator must grow that understanding about who He is back into His creation, the ultimate revelation being Jesus Christ.

All this is said in order to understand why I’m surprised when people let me down or when I let them down. The great gift of growth can only be measured, at least the way I understand it, by looking back at the last year and questioning where or not I’m still making the same mistakes I made earlier this year. Therefore as I continue to grow I start to live differently. The work of Christ in continually growing His people creates within me not an ignorance that I still live in a chaotic Creation but a hope that I can in someway help create in the world today that which I see when I close my eyes and imagine the time after the resurrection of the entire Cosmos. I’m aware that I may at times come very close to crossing the boundary line between Christianity and Humanism but I simply cannot sit here and say that I expect people to let me down or that I am not surprised when they do. If the Creator has given His Creation the ability to grow and learn, and in turn, become more like Him, then I am surprised when people let me down. I’m not ignorant I just refuse to hide behind the copout that teaches us that until the resurrection of the entire Cosmos we are bound to let others down and we should expect the same, especially when the Creator has given us the ability to grow.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Creator & Creation - Part One

The Heart of all Things

I was taught to understand God as the foundation and the sustainer of all things. This lead me to believe in a God whose very founding and sustaining presence/power could be found in all areas of creation, including the Church. Therefore it can be very easy to question Gods power when the Church or any other areas of life seem to fail. But God also exists outside of His creation and before His creation. In others words God is not bound to the failures of His creation, and that is, He chooses/wills to participate in the transformation of His creation but the Creator cannot be judge by the failures of His creation, on the other hand, the Creator can be judge but His willingness to participate in the reconciliation of His creation. Nevertheless if God is at the heart of all things how easy is it to feel let down by God when the people that are sustained by His very power fail you? In the end God always was and always will be the founder, sustainer and redeemer of His creation regardless of how chaotic it may appear. I reckon that’s at awesome thought and that enables me to not only cut the Church some slack but the Creator as well!


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Work With Me Women

Why can't I understand women? Why do they have to be so difficult? Why do women play mental and emotional games and why can’t I ever seem to win at these games? I’d love women to be straight with me and that means that they need to tell me how they feel and why they feel that way. They don’t need to prepare a lecture but I’d like to know the truth. That’s all I want is the truth and I can handle the truth! If I had one wish it would be to possess the ability to both understand and know what women want!
