Sunday, December 10, 2006

Creator & Creation - Part One

The Heart of all Things

I was taught to understand God as the foundation and the sustainer of all things. This lead me to believe in a God whose very founding and sustaining presence/power could be found in all areas of creation, including the Church. Therefore it can be very easy to question Gods power when the Church or any other areas of life seem to fail. But God also exists outside of His creation and before His creation. In others words God is not bound to the failures of His creation, and that is, He chooses/wills to participate in the transformation of His creation but the Creator cannot be judge by the failures of His creation, on the other hand, the Creator can be judge but His willingness to participate in the reconciliation of His creation. Nevertheless if God is at the heart of all things how easy is it to feel let down by God when the people that are sustained by His very power fail you? In the end God always was and always will be the founder, sustainer and redeemer of His creation regardless of how chaotic it may appear. I reckon that’s at awesome thought and that enables me to not only cut the Church some slack but the Creator as well!



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